Friday, December 19, 2008

It's a Revolution

No I am not talking about Doug Lord.  Since I purchased my cameras many friends have asked what I was using and subsequently bought the same camera's.  George Peet has yet to produce something but here is the first footage from John Harper.  My dentist and the fastest dentist in the world.  If he would have shown me this before I went to Sydney I would have been very torn on whether or not to get on the jumbo and head south. 

To think I could be doing that versus this

DN Worlds will be somewhere relatively close to home a month after I get back from AUS moth nationals.  As Harper would say  "Think Ice!"


Karl said...

Be sure to update your tetanus shot.

That is some pretty great ice in the vid. They probably lost it over the past few days though with the big snow.

Bora Gulari said...

Yeah first thing i did. I hate needles

Kiwi said...

What did your mother tell you about wearing thongs as work boots?
Missing you in Melbourne - awesome today!!!

Hays said...

What camera are you using?

Unknown said...

Deeply Imbedded says wow and swell and Save The Bees.