Thursday, May 15, 2008

Heavy Metal

Well moved and lifted about 2000lbs of iron and steel yesterday. Could not have done it without the help of my dad and Patrick Drummond(strongest guy i know). We rolled the crates by putting pipes under the rails and lifted the mill 2 inches at a time with two little hydraulic bottle jacks.

I have to thank brownie, pommiebob, and dave lister. I don't know why i would have even put up videos of foiling tacks on the net. Go figure out how to tack by yourself without my video.

1 comment:

Karl said...

Looks like a nice mill Bora - I'm sure learning how to use it will be a lot of fun.

No worries about the vid - people can watch all they want and still won't be able to do it until they put the same hours in the boat as you have.