Monday, May 12, 2008

What is a boro?

For those of you that read Chris's blog. I think he is making a habit of talking jibberish.  Here is my interpretation of a chris graham post.  "BORO!! downwind boatspeed camels, peaceout to the N**gas, i was drunk. " Add a couple spelling errors and voila!

I am not sure what boro is can someone enlighten me.   

sailing was sweet on sunday blowning 30 snapped a pushrod first time out.  Fixed it and went back out again.  Did 24 knots trying to go slow, probably should have sent it for a couple sec to see if i could have gotten the speed record but was fully just hanging on.  I was able to do a couple laps with no capsizes so I feel like gorge in the summer should be a piece of cake.


e said...

Heh heh. I think its time you tell them what your name means. Good going in 30kts and coming back with no major damage. Bravo!

Dubai Moth Association said...

haha nice! I have not been boozing for a month at least!

SimonS said... "Football" as we call it, or soccer as you call it, fan, I guess...